Programme Domains

The GES 2024 programme will aim to promote shared learning and collaboration across all partner organisations and Summit participants through integrated evidence-based practice ‘programme domains’ and cross cutting disciplinary/sectoral themes.

Programme Domains (plenary and special sessions)

1. Sustainable development agenda: how can leading organisations in Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC)/Education/Social welfare partner and support the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in relation to evidence generation, synthesis and implementation, increasing the value of research and reducing research waste. This might include educational strategies and maximising technological advances.

  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC)/Education/Social Welfare
  • Enhancing evidence generation and synthesis in the context of Sustainable Development Goals
  • Implementing Sustainable Development Goals through evidence
  • Maximizing research value and reducing waste
  • Strategies for education and leveraging technological advances
  • Other Relevant Topics within the Sustainable Development Agenda and evidence realm

2. Research integrity making evidence accessible: including but not limited to the current publishing model, moving to open science, improving quality of peer review (or other approaches); challenges of predatory publishing, research integrity, problematic studies, risk of bias.

  • Ensuring Research Integrity
  • Challenges within the current publishing model (e.g., Pre-prints, Predatory Publishing)
  • Embracing Open Science
  • Enhancing peer review quality
  • Ensuring accessible evidence for all
  • Impact of artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Diverse aspects of Research Integrity and accessible evidence

3. Power of synergy in evidence synthesis & synthesis products: philosophy of Global Evidence Summit is the collaboration of global leaders in evidence-based policy and practice. Sharing knowledge in methodological innovation and transfer across policy areas. This is not just content (network meta-analysis, clinical study reports) but also the applicability and adaptation of synthesis methods.

  • Collaborative Efforts in Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
  • Advancements in Methodological Innovation
  • Knowledge Sharing and Transfer across Policy Domains
  • Adapting Synthesis Methods for Practical Use
  • Harnessing the Power of Synergy in Evidence Synthesis and Guideline Development
  • Miscellaneous Topics within the Synergy in Evidence Synthesis & Synthesis Products Scope

4. Evidence translation & implementation: knowledge translation, dissemination and implementation strategies including but not limited to guideline development, audit and feedback, leadership and stakeholder engagement strategies. The summit will explore a broad remit of themes and their dependencies, for example, the relationship between the environment (natural and social) and its effects on health, social welfare and wellbeing.

  • Strategies for Knowledge Translation and Implementation
  • Effective Knowledge Dissemination
  • Guideline Development Strategies
  • Exploring the Impact of Environmental Factors on Health, Social Welfare, and Wellbeing
  • Addressing Equity and Evidence Considerations
  • Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement Approaches
  • Combatting Mistrust in Science
  • Varied Aspects of Evidence Translation & Implementation

5. Advocating for greater evidence communication & use of evidence: including but not limited to systems integration, linked to capacity-building in evidence-synthesis and informing/educating the work of evidence-users; supporting formal educational programmes that lead to certification; advocating for the use of evidence in decision making; and building a ‘climate’ for evidence to increase the use of evidence in policy and practice.

  • Capacity-Building in Evidence Synthesis and Guideline Development
  • Educational Initiatives and Programs
  • Promoting Wider Adoption of Evidence in Decision-Making
  • Creating an Environment Conducive to Evidence Utilization in Policy and Practice
  • Miscellaneous Topics under Advocating for Greater Evidence Communication & Usage

6. From global evidence to local impact: the importance of contextualising evidence, measuring the impact and change evidence has; effective evaluation frameworks measuring impact in ‘improving lives’ through change in practice/outcomes research and development.

  • Bridging Global Evidence to Local Impact, Especially in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)
  • The Significance of Contextualizing Evidence
  • Measuring the Impact of Evidence and its Influence on Change
  • Effective Evaluation Frameworks for Enhancing Lives through Research and Practice
  • Various Aspects within the Realm of Global Evidence to Local Impact

Other themes, special themes and abstracts 

The Global Evidence Summit extends an open invitation to contribute across a spectrum of fields, welcoming submissions that engage with the Programme Domains as well as crossing the domains of health and social sectors. Our inclusive approach encourages participation from all areas within the spheres of Campbell, Cochrane, JBI, GIN, all programme partners and other fields of evidence synthesis and guidance development.

We actively seek submissions that tackle global challenges head-on, spotlighting issues of importance. This includes a dedicated focus on evidence synthesis, methodologies, and the impactful use of evidence to inform decisions. As we advocate for a holistic perspective, we welcome submissions that transcend traditional boundaries, addressing global issues even if they might not be intrinsically linked to health. Our goal is to stimulate discourse that breaks molds and encourages innovative solutions to urgent problems.

Your contributions, whether they align with the core Programme Domains or branch out to new horizons, will enrich the discourse at the summit, advancing evidence-based practice and shaping a brighter future for all.