Social Evening

Social Evening

Location: Municipal House, Náměstí Republiky 5, 111 21 Staré Město 

Date and time: Thursday 12 September 2024, 19:00 onwards 

Dresscode: Smart casual 

Price: included in the full ticket registration fee 

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible 

Included are selected alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, a large buffet, and live entertainment. In order to reduce food waste, when registering, please indicate on the registration form if you will be attending this reception.

Please note that while the venue can accommodate a large group, the number of available tickets is limited and we cannot guarantee tickets for every GES 2024 attendee so these will be available on a first come first served basis. 

New: You can now purchase tickets for accompanying guests to join the Social Evening at the Municipal House! The ticket price for an accompanying guest is €111. If you wish to bring a guest, please send an email to

The Social Evening takes place at the Municipal House, one of the most significant public buildings in Prague. Read more about the Municipal House.

Municipal House 

From an architectural perspective, the Municipal House is very interesting. This is due to the usage of the irregular triangular shape of land it is built on. The architects included organic and rhythmical proportions, inspired by the Art Nouveau style, along with baroque elements.


Municipal House


Smetana Hall

The historical significance of the Municipal House has been affirmed by history itself: the Municipal House witnessed the coming to life, the birth, of the independent Czechoslovak state, which was declared here a few years after the building’s completion. The republic’s establishment is commemorated by a bronze plaque, situated on the same corner as the Spirit of the History. 

After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, Prague’s municipal authorities perceived it as one of their primary tasks to restore the dilapidated ceremonious building to its former glory and. The extraordinarily demanding reconstruction took place between 1994 and 1997. 

As part of the reconstruction, which fully respected the nature of this monument of national heritage, the building was fitted with modern technology to facilitate high-quality services. Thanks to the sensitive approach and the effort to preserve the institution’s original purpose, the Municipal House can once again fulfil its social, cultural, and ceremonial roles with pride and welcome its domestic and foreign visitors.


This social evening is implemented with the financial support of City of Prague.