Isabelle Boutron

Isabelle Boutron

Tuesday, 10 Sep 2024
02.25 PM - 02.40 PM

Presentation Title: Overcoming Challenges to Ensure the Truthfulness of Primary Research

Isabelle Boutron is Professor of Epidemiology at the Université Paris Cité, head of the Methods Research Team (INSERM- Centre of Epidemiology and Statistics-CRESS). She is director of Cochrane France, co-convenor of the Bias Methods group of Cochrane and member of the SPIRIT-CONSORT executive committee.  

Her research focuses on Research on Research particularly Interventional Research on Research, transparency, distorted reporting (i.e., spin) and the peer-review process. She is studying the methodological issues of assessing interventions (blinding, bias, external validity, complex interventions) and she is questioning methods of evidence synthesis. She has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles. She led an innovative and ambitious joint doctoral training programme funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, dedicated to Methods in Research on Research (MIROR) in the field of clinical research. She led the COVID-NMA initiative ( a living mapping and living evidence synthesis of preventive interventions and treatments for COVID-19. 

Orcid number : 0000-0002-5263-6241