Laura Boeira

Laura Boeira

Thursday, 12 Sep 2024
09.40 AM - 09.50 AM

Presentation Title: Fostering evidence use in Brazil: a tale of informality and radical collaboration

Laura is the executive director at Instituto Veredas, Brazil, and co-director of the Latin American and the Caribbean Evidence Hub (Hub LAC). She is a member of the World Health’s Organization EVIPNet Global Steering Group and member of the Executive Committee of the Alliance for Living Evidence (Alive). She is a PhD Candidate in Social Psychology in PUCRS, Brazil, and a member of the Brazilian Coalition for Evidence. Laura is engaged in supporting evidence use in social policies in the LAC region, with specific focus in the role of equity in evidence-informed decision-making and in the institutionalization domains of evidence use.

"Supporting evidence use in the Latin American and the Caribbean region requires equity-oriented and creative collaboration strategies."