Promise Nduku

Promise Nduku

Wednesday, 11 Sep 2024
10.00 AM - 10.25 AM

Presentation Title: Practical reflections of embedded co-production in South Africa

Promise Nduku is the co-director and evidence synthesis lead at the Pan-African Collective for Evidence (PACE) in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is passionate about the potential of evidence-informed decision-making, drawing on a suite of evidence synthesis methodologies, and leveraging experience in responding to policy evidence needs. 

He holds an MCom in development economics from the University of Johannesburg and is currently pursuing a PhD in health economics at the same institution. Promise specialises in conducting and supporting evidence syntheses, as well as designing institutional knowledge structures to enhance the use of evidence by decision-makers. 

He has conducted over 30 syntheses, including systematic reviews and evidence maps, and has developed responsive evidence bases for numerous South African government departments. Promise is enthusiastic about continuously learning new ways to contribute to poverty and inequality reduction. 

"Join me at the Global Evidence Summit 2024 to learn about What works to increase the use of evidence for policy decision-making."
