Terri Pigott

Terri Pigott

Terri Pigott, Ph.D. is a full professor in the College of Education and Human Development at Georgia State University. Dr. Pigott’s research focuses on methodological advances in meta-analysis, including missing data, statistical power, and outcome reporting bias. She serves as the methods editor for the Social Welfare Coordinating Group of the Campbell Collaboration. She is the co-editor-in-chief of the journal, Research Synthesis Methods, an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the development and dissemination of methods for systematic review. She is the PI for two training grants in meta-analysis, the Meta-Analysis Training Institute funded by the US Institute of Education Sciences, and the Modern Meta-Analysis Research Institute funded by the US National Science Foundation. Her research has appeared in Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Review of Educational Research, Educational Researcher and Research Synthesis Methods. 

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