Tamara Kredo

Tamara Kredo

Associate Prof Tamara Kredo holds the position of Director of the Health Systems Research Unit, South African Medical Research Council. She is a clinical epidemiologist leading research in the field of health policy and clinical guideline methods. She trained as a medical doctor, specialising in Clinical Pharmacology, and completed a PhD in Public Health. Tamara is dedicated to enhancing credible and transparent evidence-informed healthcare decision-making particularly in lower resources settings such as in Africa. Tamara has fulfilled several leadership roles, including founding the sub-Saharan African regional network, Cochrane Africa in 2017. Among many highlights, she co-leads the South African GRADE Network; consults to WHO as a guideline methodologist; was a co-opted Trustee of the Guidelines International Network Governing Board; was the host and chair of the local organizing committee for the the Global Evidence Summit in 2017; and in 2020 was elected to the Cochrane Board. 

"I am really looking forward to this years Global Evidence Summit. This collaborative event brings together key organisations leading the field of evidence informed decision-making. This makes for excellent science, exciting intersectoral sessions and an unparalleled opportunity for networking with top colleagues in the field."
